Managing Restaurant Monthly Expenses With 3 Key Strategies

Restaurant monthly expenses include fixed, variable, and unexpected costs, but negotiating, streamlining operations, and regular monitoring can reduce them.

Revenue Optimization
Restaurant monthly expenses include fixed, variable, and unexpected costs, but negotiating, streamlining operations, and regular monitoring can reduce them.
Erin Watkins

Did you know that nearly 60% of new restaurants close within the first year? One of the biggest reasons for this is poor financial management, particularly when it comes to controlling monthly expenses.

Running a restaurant involves more than just serving great food; it requires careful management of finances, including how to calculate labor costs, manage payment processing fees, and obtain the necessary food service license. Understanding and managing your restaurant's monthly expenses is crucial for maintaining profitability and ensuring long-term success. If these expenses aren't monitored closely, they can quickly spiral out of control, leading to cash flow problems and, ultimately, the failure of the business.

This blog will help you break down the various types of monthly expenses you should be aware of as a restaurant owner. We'll also share strategies for keeping these restaurant costs under control, so you can focus on what you do best—delivering an outstanding dining experience to your customers.

Breaking down restaurant monthly expenses.

Breaking Down Restaurant Monthly Expenses

Understanding your restaurant's monthly expenses is key to maintaining a healthy profit margin. These expenses typically fall into three categories: fixed, variable, and unexpected. Below, we'll break down each category and provide strategies to help you manage them effectively.

Fixed Expenses

Fixed costs are costs that remain relatively consistent each month, regardless of how busy or slow your restaurant is. Managing these expenses efficiently can have a significant impact on your bottom line.

1. Rent/Mortgage

Rent or mortgage payments are often one of the largest fixed expenses for a restaurant. The location and size of your establishment heavily influence these costs. To manage property costs:

  • Negotiation: If you're leasing, consider negotiating with your landlord for better terms, especially if you're in a long-term lease. Factors like market conditions, the success of your business, and the length of your tenancy can give you leverage.
  • Assessing Space Needs: Evaluate whether your current space is being used efficiently. If not, downsizing or subletting a portion of your space might be options.
  • Lease Terms: Pay attention to the fine print of your lease, especially clauses related to rent increases and maintenance responsibilities. Understanding these can prevent unexpected costs.

2. Salaries and Wages

Labor costs, including salaries and wages, are another significant fixed expense. Keeping labor costs under control while ensuring fair compensation is a balancing act. Monitoring your labor cost percentage is crucial to maintaining profitability while managing payroll effectively.

  • Labor Laws and Minimum Wage: Stay informed about local labor laws and minimum wage increases. These can impact your payroll significantly. For instance, many states in the U.S. have annual minimum wage increases, which should be factored into your budgeting.
  • Staffing Optimization: To manage labor costs, consider cross-training employees so they can perform multiple roles. This reduces the need for a large staff. Also, use scheduling software to align staffing levels with peak and off-peak hours, reducing the need for overtime pay.
  • Employee Retention: High turnover can increase labor costs due to training and recruitment expenses. Investing in employee satisfaction and development can reduce turnover and help maintain a stable workforce.

3. Utilities

Utility costs, including electricity, gas, water, and waste disposal, are necessary but can be managed more effectively.

  • Energy Efficiency: Invest in energy-efficient appliances and lighting. For example, switching to LED lights and ENERGY STAR-rated equipment can reduce electricity bills.
  • Water Conservation: Installing low-flow faucets and regularly checking for leaks can help lower water bills. Also, train your staff on water-saving practices.
  • Waste Management: Reducing food waste not only lowers disposal costs but can also contribute to a more sustainable operation. Implementing a recycling program and composting food waste are effective strategies.

4. Insurance

Having the right insurance is crucial to protecting your restaurant from unforeseen events that could cause financial strain.

  • Types of Insurance: Common types include general liability, property, workers’ compensation, and business interruption insurance. Each serves a different purpose, so it’s essential to have comprehensive coverage.
  • Budgeting for Insurance: Shop around for the best rates and consider working with an insurance broker who specializes in the restaurant industry. They can help you find the most cost-effective policies that meet your needs.
  • Reviewing Coverage: Regularly review your insurance policies to ensure they still meet your needs, especially if your business has expanded or changed in any way.

Variable Expenses

Variable expenses fluctuate based on the volume of business. Managing these costs requires careful monitoring and strategic planning.

1. Food and Beverage Costs

Food and beverage costs, often referred to as the cost of goods sold (COGS), can be one of the largest variable expenses for a restaurant.

  • Inventory Management: Implement a strict inventory management system to track stock levels, reduce waste, and prevent theft. Regularly review inventory to identify slow-moving items and adjust orders accordingly, helping to control your food cost percentage.
  • Supplier Negotiations: Build strong relationships with suppliers and negotiate pricing, especially for bulk purchases. Consider sourcing locally to reduce transportation costs and support your community.
  • Cost Control: Standardize portion sizes and recipes to control costs. Using seasonal ingredients can also help reduce food costs, as they are often more affordable when in abundance.

2. Marketing and Advertising

Marketing and advertising are essential for attracting new customers and retaining existing ones, but these expenses can vary widely.

  • Budget Allocation: Allocate a specific percentage of your revenue to marketing costs, typically between 3% to 6%, depending on your business size and growth goals.
  • Digital Advertising: Invest in digital marketing strategies, such as social media advertising, email campaigns, and search engine optimization (SEO). These methods often offer a higher return on investment (ROI) than traditional advertising.
  • Promotions and Discounts: While promotions can attract customers, ensure they are well-planned and do not eat into your profit margins. Track the effectiveness of each campaign to see what works best.

3. Supplies and Equipment Maintenance

Supplies and equipment are essential for daily operations, and their costs can fluctuate depending on usage and maintenance needs.

  • Routine Maintenance: Regularly maintain equipment to prevent breakdowns that can lead to costly repairs or replacements. This includes cleaning, servicing, and replacing parts as needed.
  • Supplies Management: Track supply usage to avoid overstocking or running out of essential items. Consider using a just-in-time ordering system to reduce storage costs and spoilage.
  • Supplier Relationships: Similar to food costs, negotiate with suppliers for better pricing on bulk orders or loyalty discounts.

Unexpected Expenses

Unexpected expenses can catch you off guard and impact your cash flow. Being prepared for these costs is essential for long-term stability.

1. Repairs and Maintenance

Even with regular maintenance, unexpected repairs can arise, such as a broken refrigerator or a plumbing issue.

  • Contingency Fund: Set aside a portion of your budget each month into a contingency fund to cover unexpected repairs. A good rule of thumb is to save about 1% to 3% of your total revenue.
  • Preventive Measures: Conduct regular inspections of your equipment and facilities to catch potential issues before they become major problems.

2. Emergencies

Emergencies, such as natural disasters or health crises like pandemics, can disrupt your business operations and lead to unexpected costs.

  • Emergency Planning: Develop an emergency plan that includes steps for dealing with various scenarios, such as a power outage, fire, or pandemic. Ensure all staff members are trained on the plan.
  • Insurance Coverage: Ensure your business interruption insurance covers a wide range of emergencies. This can help you recover lost income during periods of closure or reduced operations.
  • Cash Reserves: Maintain a cash reserve to cover expenses during emergencies. This reserve should be sufficient to cover at least three to six months of operating costs.

Managing your restaurant's monthly expenses is a critical component of running a successful business. By understanding and controlling both fixed and variable costs and preparing for unexpected expenses, you can ensure your restaurant remains profitable and resilient in the face of challenges.

How to reduce restaurant monthly expenses.

Strategies for Reducing Monthly Expenses

Reducing your restaurant's monthly expenses is essential for maximizing profits and ensuring long-term success. By implementing effective strategies, you can keep costs under control without sacrificing the quality of your service or products.

1. Negotiating Contracts and Pricing

Effective negotiation with landlords, suppliers, and service providers can lead to significant cost savings.


  • Lease Negotiation: When renewing your lease, negotiate for more favorable terms, such as rent reductions or a cap on annual rent increases. If your restaurant has been a reliable tenant, use this as leverage.
  • Rent-Free Periods: For new leases or during renovations, consider negotiating rent-free periods or reduced rent during slower months to ease the financial burden.


  • Bulk Purchasing Discounts: Negotiate bulk purchase discounts with your suppliers. If your storage space is limited, consider partnering with nearby businesses to make bulk purchases together.
  • Loyalty Discounts: Build strong relationships with suppliers to negotiate loyalty discounts. Suppliers are often willing to offer better terms to long-term customers who consistently place large orders.
  • Price Matching: If you find a better price with a different supplier, ask your current supplier to match it. This not only saves money but also helps maintain a consistent relationship.

Service Providers

  • Review Service Contracts: Regularly review contracts with service providers, such as waste management, cleaning, and security. Look for opportunities to renegotiate terms or switch to a more cost-effective provider.
  • Bundling Services: Some providers offer discounts when you bundle multiple services. For example, combining internet, phone, and cable services can often lead to significant savings.

2. Streamlining Operations

Optimizing your restaurant’s operations can lead to significant cost reductions without compromising quality.

Menu Optimization

  • Simplify the Menu: Reducing the number of items on your menu can lower food costs and reduce waste. Focus on popular, high-margin dishes that can be prepared efficiently. This not only cuts costs but also improves kitchen efficiency.
  • Ingredient Cross-Utilization: Use ingredients that can be utilized across multiple dishes. This reduces the need to stock a wide variety of ingredients, lowering inventory costs and reducing spoilage.

Waste Reduction

  • Track Waste: Implement a system to track food waste and identify areas where you can cut back. For example, adjusting portion sizes or using surplus ingredients in specials can reduce waste.
  • Composting and Recycling: Establish a composting program for food waste and recycle materials like cardboard, glass, and plastic. Not only does this reduce waste disposal costs, but it also supports sustainability efforts, which can appeal to environmentally conscious customers.

Efficient Staff Scheduling

  • Use Scheduling Software: As mentioned earlier, scheduling software can optimize your labor force, ensuring you have enough staff during busy periods and fewer staff during slow times. This reduces the need for costly overtime and helps avoid under or overstaffing.
  • Cross-Training Employees: Train staff to perform multiple roles. For example, a server can also handle basic prep work during slower hours. This flexibility allows you to run a leaner team without sacrificing service quality.

3. Monitoring and Adjusting Expenses

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your expenses is crucial for maintaining control over your finances.

Expense Tracking

  • Monthly Reviews: Conduct monthly expense reviews to identify areas where costs are increasing. Use accounting software to generate reports that break down expenses by category, making it easier to spot trends.
  • Benchmarking: Compare your expenses to industry benchmarks to see if you're spending more than average in certain areas. This can help you identify potential savings.

Budget Adjustments

  • Flexible Budgeting: Adopt a flexible budgeting approach that allows you to adjust spending based on actual performance. If revenue dips, identify areas where you can cut back temporarily without impacting the customer experience.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly seek out ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs. This might involve renegotiating contracts, investing in new technology, or streamlining operations further.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively reduce your restaurant's monthly expenses while maintaining high-quality service and products. Regular monitoring and proactive adjustments will ensure that your business remains financially healthy and prepared for future challenges.

5-Out sales forecasting tool helps restaurants to reduce monthly expenses.

Tools and Resources for Managing Restaurant Monthly Expenses

Effectively managing your restaurant's monthly expenses is crucial for maintaining profitability and ensuring long-term success. With the right tools, you can automate processes, gain valuable insights, and take control of your financial management. Below is an overview of essential tools that can help you streamline operations, manage costs, and boost your restaurant’s profitability.

1. Accounting Software

Accounting software is designed to track your income and expenses and generate detailed financial reports. It’s an essential tool for understanding where your money is going and how well your restaurant is performing financially.


  • Simplifies Bookkeeping: Automates daily transactions, reducing the time spent on manual data entry.
  • Ensures Compliance: Helps you stay compliant with tax regulations by organizing and categorizing expenses accurately.
  • Financial Clarity: Provides a clear and real-time view of your financial health, enabling you to make informed decisions.

2. Budgeting Tools

Budgeting tools allow you to create and maintain a budget that helps you plan for future expenses and identify areas where you can save money. They provide a structured approach to managing your restaurant’s finances.


  • Set Financial Goals: Helps you set realistic financial goals and track your progress toward achieving them.
  • Track Spending: Monitors your spending habits, ensuring that you stick to your budget and avoid unnecessary expenses.
  • Avoid Overspending: Alerts you when you’re close to exceeding your budget, allowing you to adjust your spending in real-time.

3. Sales Forecasting Tools

Sales forecasting tools are designed to predict future sales trends, helping you prepare for demand fluctuations and make informed decisions about inventory, staffing, and budgeting. Accurate forecasting ensures that you can meet customer demand without overcommitting resources.

Recommendation: 5-Out

5-Out is an all-in-one platform that seamlessly integrates with your existing restaurant management tools. It’s designed to provide accurate sales forecasts, helping you anticipate future demand and make better business decisions.

  • AI and ML Integration: 5-Out uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze future demand down to individual menu items, offering precise predictions.
  • Automation: The platform automates critical tasks such as labor scheduling, budgeting, prep lists, and order purchasing, reducing the burden of manual processes and minimizing errors.
  • Cost Optimization: 5-Out provides insights into the optimal number of staff and inventory needed to minimize costs while maximizing profits. It’s a powerful tool for ensuring that you’re neither overstaffed nor understocked.

Discover how 5-Out can help you reduce costs and maximize profits with powerful sales forecasting and automation tools. Request a demo today and see how 5-Out can transform your monthly expense management, streamline operations, and boost your bottom line.

Inventory Management Tools

Inventory management tools help you track stock levels, manage supplier orders, and reduce food waste through real-time monitoring. Keeping a close eye on inventory is key to controlling food costs.


  • Prevent Over-Ordering: Real-time tracking prevents you from ordering more than you need, reducing waste and spoilage.
  • Reduce Spoilage: With accurate inventory tracking, you can minimize the amount of food that goes to waste due to spoilage or expiration.
  • Ensure Stock Availability: Helps you maintain the right amount of inventory on hand, ensuring that you never run out of key ingredients.

Employee Management Tools

Employee management tools streamline scheduling, track employee hours, and handle payroll efficiently. Managing labor costs is critical, as they are one of the largest expenses for any restaurant.

  • Optimize Staffing Levels: Ensure that you have the right number of staff scheduled for each shift, avoiding both overstaffing and understaffing.
  • Reduce Labor Costs: By automating scheduling and tracking employee hours, you can minimize labor costs and prevent unnecessary overtime.
  • Ensure Compliance: Helps you stay compliant with labor laws and regulations, avoiding costly penalties and fines.

Incorporating these tools into your restaurant’s daily operations can significantly improve efficiency, reduce unnecessary costs, and provide you with the data-driven insights needed to make informed decisions. By adopting these technologies, you can take control of your restaurant's financial health and set your business on the path to long-term success.

Effectively managing your restaurant’s monthly expenses is key to sustaining profitability and growth in a competitive industry. By leveraging the right tools and strategies, you can streamline operations, optimize costs, and make more informed decisions that directly impact your bottom line. Investing in advanced technologies like 5-Out sales forecasting not only simplifies the management process but also positions your restaurant for long-term success.

Take the next step in controlling your expenses—request a demo of 5-Out today and start optimizing your restaurant’s financial health.

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